The Crop Circle Phenomenon

Windmill Hill, Nr Avebury, Wiltshire. Appeared on July 29th, 1996
Photos by Ernie Greene.

This is a ground shot of one of the larger circles within the Windmill Hill formation seen above.

Click here to check out the Dreamland 1996 Crop Circle Expedition!

Until the end of the 1991 crop circle season, hoaxes were not taken seriously. Then the claim by two people within the crop circle research groups that they had made the circles was widely publicised. It soon became clear to those doing the research that these two were not just the moralistic tricksters they pretended to be, but the pawns of a disinformation campaign. It is unimportant who is behind the wish to hoax---government or rich industrialist---they are initiating something that is already in the collective unconscious. We need to see that this paranoia represents something in all of us because of our fear of change. Until that is clearer, more organised claims of hoaxes will continue to happen. But, don't dispair, the real 'Circlemakers' will have the last word, for they are on the side of evolutionary change.

We are a schizoid human society. There is a part of all of us which is materialist, seeking security in these uncertain times---we need order, predictability and control. But we are all also partly spiritual, hungering of meaning and magic. This polarity sets up tensions in us, but also in society. Those in power represent the status quo. But those attracted by a new way of seeing the world are also fearful of change. The crop circles represent mystery and magic, but by their very nature also imply a massive shift in consciousness and understanding, which must be threatful to the status quo. It is to be expected therefore that the hoax will be encouraged by those in power as a way of discrediting those who are associated with a change in society. Catch the drift?


Crop Circle Connector One of, if not the best Crop Circle Web Site we have yet seen on the net! Full of photos!

Enter Stuart's Crop Circle photo file NOW!

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